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New Tripoli woman organizes fundraiser to fight Cystic Fibrosis


Special to The Press

Sometimes, we must be reminded there are good people in the world devoted to making a difference.

Bekki George is one of them.

The New Tripoli resident is spearheading a special event 7-10 p.m. April 28, to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

George has been committed to combating this disease ever since childhood.

“When I was little, I actually thought of myself as a healer,” she explained. “My friend Brett [Weinstein] had CF and I always wanted to help heal Brett.

“My mom would let me go to CHOP where Brett would go for treatment.

“Afterward, we would go to Lord and Taylor, and out to lunch. When you have a friend that has a debilitating illness, it really affects you.”

George said she and Brett were neighbors.

“He was two years younger than me,” she explained.

Brett’s story became a catalyst for her to act.

“I fundraised when I was little in bikeathons and walkathons to raise money for CF,” said the mother of two. “In 2012, I started doing it again with Great Strides for CF walk.

“This year, Great Strides will be held on April 29 at Cedar Crest College, the day before our fundraiser.”

According to George, in two weeks, the Celebration of Health and Wellness will take place at the Lehigh Valley Sports Factory, and everyone is invited to attend.

“The Lehigh Valley Sports Factory is an indoor turf facility, in the old Rascals Building on Ruppsville Road, Allentown,” George explained. “It’s a facility where people can play sports indoors that’s used in all different kinds of fashions.

“People rent the turf there - sports teams, batting coaches, Yoga studios and pickle ball.”

George thought it was the perfect venue to accommodate 350 people.

She discussed the Celebration of Health and Wellness event.

“One side is going to be dedicated to health and wellness vendors and the other side is going to hold a silent auction to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,” George said. “We have over 100 items already.

“Country Club Brewing and Weathered Vineyards will be selling their products by the glass, and we’re going to have live music.

“My husband plays in an acoustic group, the Royal Picks.

“We also have some artisans who are coming. One person will be selling soy-based candles, and a woman who does custom laser wood products, Rising Sun Creations, will also be there.”

George was even able to secure a motivational speaker.

“I fundraise every year for CF,” George said. “And this year, I reached out to Ben Mudge, an Instagram influencer who has CF.”

The 33-year-old Mudge is a fitness and life coach from Belfast, who is a CF Warrior.

“He wanted to hold an event that would accommodate 350 people so I asked him if he would come to the U.S. and do a fundraiser with me, and he said, ‘Yes,’” she said.

“I love following people who are inspirational. I’m just fascinated he’s healthy enough to be so active and have normal lung function.”

George said everything is leading her to the magnitude of this event.

“It’s going to be an inspirational and fun evening,” George said.

“You can shop, eat, listen to music and hear a motivational speaker.”

After graduating from Parkland High School, George majored in public relations at Susquehanna University, but she always wanted to help people with CF.

“In college, I had a friend who had CF and I worked with her,” she said. “The girl whom I helped when I was in college later had a double lung transplant and is doing well, though sadly, she lost her brother to the disease.”

George has worked a variety of jobs.

“Before becoming a massage therapist, I worked all different kinds of jobs, from a banking software company to Coca-Cola,” she said. “I was even a sales director for Mary Kay Cosmetics and earned a car. That job really gave me a lot of life skills.”

Friend Heidi Williams discussed George.

“Bekki is an amazing person,” Williams said.

“For the past several years, she has given up her own time to do amazing events to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis.

“Her childhood friend, Brett, died from CF at age 20. After all these years, she is still trying to raise money to help find a cure for CF.”

George has long held fundraisers in the past, including a Women, Wine and Wellness event before COVID-19.

“I always felt I could help people feel better. It’s like a calling,” she said. “I feel I’m supposed to be doing this.

“I am still accepting Health and Wellness vendors and artisans to be at my event.

“We have plenty of space at the Sport Factory of the Lehigh Valley.”

Everyone can get tickets to come to the event, donate to her team page, join the walk team, be a vendor, or a sponsor of this event.

Tickets are available at passion.cff.org/celebration-of-health-and-wellness.

PRESS PHOTO BY ANNA GILGOFF Bekki George's best childhood friend, Brett, died from Cystic Fibrosis at age 20. “This will be one of the most inspiring events I have ever created,” she said.