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Land must be preserved for wildlife and future generations

To The Editor:

I recently took a walk to the Shelter House in Emmaus.

During my walk, I noticed a small sign in a patch of woods that adjoins the Shelter House property. In summary the notice said that East Penn School District which owns the land is selling 2.27 acres to a Jeffrey Trainer for $150,000.

I was surprised and shocked when I saw the notice. Was this sale made public?

This parcel of land contains a beautiful patch of woods which acts as a buffer for the Shelter House from the rest of tEmmaus. Did East Penn School District offer this land to the Shelter House or Emmaus as open space?

It makes no sense financially or ethically for East Penn School District to sell this land of mature forest to Jeffrey Trainer. Most likely this land will be developed. Or else East Penn School District would have already sold it to the Shelter House.

Along with the Shelter House property, Wildlands Conservancy also owns land nearby. This is a beautiful tract of land that must be preserved for wildlife and for future generations of residents of Emmaus and the Lehigh Valley.

Jon Levin


CONTRIBUTED PHOTO A public notice details the sale of 2.27 acres near the Shelter House, Emmaus.