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Honor wall features Upper Milford Township military veterans

A special honor wall featuring photos of military veterans from Upper Milford Township was unveiled recently at the township building at 5671 Chestnut St., Zionsville, at the group’s monthly meeting.

Forty-six veteran’s photos were on display in a custom-built wooden display rail in a hallway adjacent to a room dedicated to displays of photos and artifacts depicting the township’s history.

While the current display features 46 photos, they will be replaced with other vet pictures in a rotating sequence of displays.

The society is in possession of nearly 150 veteran’s photos and is inviting township residents to provide additional photos for display.

The photos were meticulously restored by Gary Heller, a society member and owner of a historical rescue photography entity.

Township residents with photos to submit, or to learn more about the society’s activities, are encouraged to contact society historian Neil Moser at 610-966-4376, or at uppermilfordhist@gmail.com.

Press Photo by Jim Marsh Upper Milford Historical Society president John Fegley, left and archivist/historian Neil Moser, admire the honor wall of photos of military service veterans unveiled March 30.