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‘Teachers love, encourage, challenge’

The State of the Schools was the feature topic March 16 at the joint gathering of the Bethlehem Area School District and The Bethlehem Chamber of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. Parents, politicians, chamber members, teachers and school staff were in attendance a Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh University to hear BASD Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy expound on the successes and challenges facing BASD.

Roy said proudly, “Children come to us as five-year-olds, barely able to tie their shoes, and leave us as competent 18-year-olds, graduating, ready to create the future of Bethlehem. We call this ‘Building Bethlehem.’ The one constant through the years are the teachers who encourage, love, challenge and support students.”

Liberty HS senior Tylia Colon, and Freedom HS senior Joshia Peters spoke of their challenges and successes as they progressed in the BASD. Each expressed pride and a sense of accomplishment as they spoke of their school years.

Elementary school teacher Candi Moldonado, middle school teacher Becky Keptner, and high school teacher Richard Little, each representing a different level of schooling, spoke about their experiences as teachers within the district.

Choral group members from Liberty and Freedom high schools also preformed for the attending guests.

A week after this event Roy announced after 13 years he is retiring in July. “I have been fortunate to have the support of amazing school board members who value public education and do what’s best for students and the community. I am honored to have worked with the finest group of teachers, staff and administrators in any district, anywhere. The entire Bethlehem community values its public schools and I am proud to have played a role in this District for the past 13 school years.”

Press photos by Jenn Rago Senior high school students Tylia Colon from Liberty and Joshia Peters from Freedom speak about their individual educational experiences in the BASD during the State of the Schools presentation.
A light breakfast was provided for guests attending the March 16 State of the Schools presentation. This was hosted by BASD and the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce.