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Elementary school renovations to begin in may

At the BASD Facilities and Curriculum meeting April 3, Chief Facilities & Operations Officer Mark Stein outlined the 2023 HVAC/roofing phasing plan for summer renovations at Miller Heights, James Buchanan and Hanover elementary schools. Construction will begin after school May 1 hours – this will be hallways, roof and boiler room. The gym and four classrooms will be closed May 15.

May 24 is the last day for students to physically be in the classrooms and May 25 the moving crews arrive in the afternoon. After May 30, the contractor has full access to the school. The plan is to have the construction substantially completed by Aug. 18. The furniture will be returned at that time and by Aug. 23 classroom unpacking begins and preparing classrooms to begin school. Everything will be completed by Aug. 28, the first day of school.

School Director Winston Alozie asked whether the staff and teachers have had adequate notice to adjust to the changes, to which Stein said all board directors, teachers and staff have been informed.

The curriculum committee, represented by Chief Technology Officer Marie Bachman, presented to the board qualified vendors who can provide software to create one classroom devoted to immersive learning. “Immersive Learning” is a learning method in which students being immersed into a virtual dialogue have the feeling of presence by using virtual reality through technology. The room becomes the content of study, giving the student a more engaging interactive experience. Assistant Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Jack Silva gave the example of students being able to experience life in the South before reading “To Kill a Mockingbird.” This is BASD’s first effort in using this type of technology and one classroom will be devoted to this at Freedom HS. This is very state of the art and an exciting learning opportunity.

The Finance and HR committees will meet April 17 at 6 p.m. at the Education Center.