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Presence of invasive snail prohibits stocking of Furnace Dam by local fish nursery

Emmaus fish stocking

The Cedarbrook SportsmensClub will not be permitted to stock trout in Furnace Dam in 2023 due to the presence of the New Zealand Mud Snail, an invasive species, found in some area streams and in two trout nurseries in Lehigh County, including that of the club.

According to a notice from the club and posted to Emmaus borough social media, the mud snail is not parasitic and does not damage trout, however, the concern from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is “the trout in our nursery, in theory, can consume the tiny snails and pass them through their system unharmed into any waterway that receives our trout.”

The club is permitted by the commission to stock waters where the snails are already found but not in areas where they have not been found, the post continues.