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LVP newspapers seek candidate input

Last week, the eight Lehigh Valley Press community newspapers began running our notice to primary candidates.

This announcement urges everyone running for political office in the May 16 Primary Election to contact the editor of the local newspaper that provides coverage for his or her representative area.

The ballot includes those seeking office for Lehigh County commissioners-at-large, county controller, district attorney, sheriff, clerk of judicial records, coroner, various magisterial district judges, borough council members, township supervisors and commissioners, auditors and school board directors.

Winners of contested races in the primary will move on to the Nov. 7 election.

If you believe your positions on the various issues affecting your constituency are important enough to seek elected office, then those ideas should be shared with the voters.

Contact Debbie Galbraith, editor of the East Penn and Salisbury Press newspapers at dgalbraith@tnonline.com; Deb Palmieri, editor of the Parkland and Northwestern Press papers at dpalmieri@tnonline.com; Kelly Lutterschmidt, editor of the Whitehall-Coplay, Catasauqua and Northampton Press papers at klutterschmidt@tnonline.com and George Taylor, Bethlehem Press editor, at gtaylor@tnonline.com.

You may also call the LVP office at 610-740-0944 and ask to speak with the editor.

We wish the candidates success in their bids for office.

Let’s all help make this Primary Election a true exercise in American democracy.

Deb Palmieri


Parkland Press

Northwestern Press