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‘In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it’

PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Connor McSparin and Rylee Borger participate in the annual Bonnet Parade at Salisbury Elementary School March 29.
Sadie Fluck and Emma Williams sport very colorful bonnets for the annual parade at the elementary school. Additional photos appear on Page A7.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Adalyn Reinhart, Matthew Pavolko, Ruby Moye and Mazie Plunkett walk carefully in the parade so as to not disturb their bonnets.
Sienna Ring wears an Easter basket on her head for the annual parade at Salisbury Elementary School March 29.
Charlotte Brigantty strikes a pose for her bonnet photo during the annual parade.
Olivia Diaz wears a tall hat complete with bunnies, feathers and more.