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Four areas of focus decided for streetscape completion

Macungie Borough Council announced the four areas of concentration for the streetscape completion at the April 3 meeting which included crosswalks, removal of the old streetlights, correcting the water problem at Main and Race streets and fixing the system failure for the crosswalk light signals at Poplar and Main streets. By focusing on these specific issues, this will help complete the Main Street streetscape project.

A resident complained about garbage being put out too early. The resident had placed their garbage out on a Friday and the scheduled collection is Monday. The complaining resident asked for the proper procedure to report such situations. The resident contacted Borough Hall and was told it would be investigated.

Further discussion was held about the security wall in Macungie Borough Hall. A question arose as to whether the glass wall should be bulletproof. A proposal was made for a glass wall with a door and approved as far as the materials to be used. The design will be decided shortly.

A project was completed involving locks in a building for the borough. The procedure for doing this kind of work was not followed and therefore, considered overpriced. It was suggested proper procedures should be followed in the future.

The full-time police position has a potential candidate. Patrick McLaughlin, a part-time officer, was approved by council to become a full-time officer.

A suggested procedure for the Church Street reconstruction was discussed.

A detailed report was written by Council Member John Yerman with a suggested format and timeline for working on the sidewalk and street reconstruction.

No action was taken April 3; a discussion was held regarding suggested timelines and actions.

The report includes a violation letter to be sent to residents needing to fix their sidewalks. A chart will be included with sidewalk requirements using the ordinance as a guide.

Suggested timelines include sidewalk inspection by May. The projected completion of the project is 2025.

The only appeal will be financial hardship. If the resident does not complete the sidewalk repairs, the borough will perform the work.

Before the regular meeting, there was an executive session for personnel issues.