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Administration continues to make adjustments/revisions on budget

The Salisbury Township School Board held a regular meeting March 22 in the administration building.

Chief Financial Officer Dawn Nickischer started the meeting with some good news concerning the budget. Over the past few weeks she and Superintendent Lynn Fuini-Hetten have been meeting with each department reviewing expenditures and have made significant progress in an effort to close the budget gap. Revisions and adjustments will continue to be made until the April 12 finance committee meeting and a detailed outline of the reductions will be presented to the board.

The board voted on several matters during the curriculum and technology portion of the meeting. Among the items approved were the 2023-2024 school year calendar and local holiday resolution, an overnight trip for the Salisbury twirlers, a contract for in-service day speaker Sheila Kennedy as well as a special education settlement agreement.

The guidance plan which was presented at the curriculum and technology meeting which preceded the regular school board meeting met opposition from directors Christopher Freas and Laura McKelvey who cast dissenting votes because they were not given sufficient time to review the plan before the vote.

The board approved several items which had been presented and discussed at previous meetings of the operations committee. These items include an approval granted for a 3-year agreement with Transfinder for transportation software, an increased bandwidth agreement with PenTeleData, a revised vehicle list for the student transportation program with Paragon Transit and a food service renewal agreement with Southwest Food Excellence, LCC.

Also approved was an agreement with Maggie Ziegler for services as an interim accountant.

The board approved finance committee items include several tax settlements within the district as well as a 3-year agreement with Buckno, Lisicky & Company to perform audit services until 2025.

A settlement agreement with Lehigh Valley Hospital to resolve outstanding tax litigation was also approved by the board with McKelvey abstaining.

The personnel committee approved resignations due to the retirements of Salisbury High School special education teacher Margaret O’Hare-McGinty and Salisbury Elementary School teacher Michelle DeOliveira.

Also approved was the resignation of part-time mail courier Fernando Trinidad Jr. and full-time accountant Chrissy Grebe.

An assignment transfer for part-time second shift custodian Sherrie Kulp to part-time mail courier was also approved.

New hires include full-time short-term substitute Kaitlyn Kulp and part-time instructional assistant Maryann Kelley.

In the coaching department, assistant track coaches Emily DeOliveira and Anthony Hamane were approved.

The following volunteer coaches were also approved: Tyler Tocci, varsity baseball, Brad Vangeli, varsity basketball, Taylor Linn, varsity baseball, Colin Weiss, varsity baseball, Melissa Knecht, varsity softball, Julie Swoyer, Salisbury Middle School softball and Jamie Swoyer, SMS softball.

Rebecca Glenister, policy committee chair, proposed the Title I Parent and Family Engagement for final reading and adoption which was approved.

McKelvy who serves as a board member for Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 brought several items to the board for approval.

The board approved agreements for special education services, drivers education services, TransPerfect remote interpreters and the IU’s policies, procedures and use of funds.

She also noted the IU has recently received a chocolate lab puppy trained to work with students with intense emotional needs. Additionally, she has attended presentations at the IU on topics such as cyber security and adaptive toys.

Lehigh Carbon Community College board member Sam DeFrank reported board members are in the midst of negotiations with full and part-time professional staff as well as performance evaluations for the LCCC president.

Glenister, Pennsylvania School Boards Association Legislative Policy council member, reported the April 4 meeting will be a webinar on school safety and security which can be accessed through the PSBA website.

She also mentioned a new house bill proposed by Northampton County state Rep. Robert Freeman, D-136th, which could financially assist municipalities where more than 15% of assessed properties have tax exempt status. She encouraged residents to call state representatives about this proposal.

In her superintendent’s report, Lynn Fuini-Hetten encouraged board members to take a look at the 2023 Pennsylvania State of Education report which included results of surveys taken by 281 districts. She highlighted some of the key challenges districts are facing across the board which fall into the categories of mental health, staffing issues and budgetary pressures.

The report also stated 90% of school aged children attend public school and the rate of special education student enrollment statewide is 18.1%. In Salisbury, 24.8% of students receive special education services.

In March, Salisbury School District celebrated Music in our Schools Month, Social Work Month and National Athletic Training Month.

Congratulations are in order for Alexis Stroble who was recognized by the Workforce Board Lehigh Valley. Alexis participated as a student representative for the 2022-2023 school year.

Salisbury Township School District received a $10,000 donation from Lehigh Valley Educators Credit Union. The money will be used to support graduation as well as students in the middle and elementary schools.

Fuini-Hetten took the time to highlight the work of three Salisbury leaders. Director Sarah Nemitz was featured in the PSBA Bulletin as a guest columnist. Her article focused on public education advocacy.

McKelvey was praised for her work at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as she shared her wealth of knowledge with others through a recent presentation.

Bill Brackett, director of facilities, along with Travis Serfass, facilities engineer at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute, gave a presentation related to organizational leadership at the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials.

The next regular school board meeting will be held April 19 immediately following the 7 p.m. curriculum and technology meeting.

All meetings are held in the administration building, 1140 Salisbury Road.