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Coplay will seek new fire chief after Britt resigns

Coplay Borough’s fire chief, Joe Britt, submitted his resignation March 23.

Mark Schuster has been named the interim fire chief.

Councilman Charles Sodl, emergency services chairman, explained, during the borough council workshop meeting April 4, a committee will be formed to assess candidates applying for the permanent position of fire chief and a decision will most likely occur in May.

In other business, Councilman Rick Kern noted bids are due next week for the installation of Coplay Public Library’s new doors. The library received a Local Share Account grant months ago, which will finance this expense.

Kern also said there are plans to apply for a Greenways Grant that may possibly help fund pool repairs.

Councilman Mike Dreisbach, who also serves on the parks and recreation committee, indicated the Suburban North Family YMCA, Catasauqua, has withdrawn its proposal to run the Coplay pool.

Dreisbach also noted the committee suggested closing the pool 7 p.m. daily and closing the pool completely on Mondays as a way to defray wage costs.

Michael Waldron, a project manager at Acela Architects and Engineers, attended the meeting to review a pollution reduction plan for the borough, which includes creating a rain garden and stream bank restoration. The cost for the plan is still being calculated.

Kern said the borough can apply for a grant to help with these expenses.

Police Chief Ryan Emerich said he would ideally like to select two candidates to send to the Police Academy under the provisions of the Municipal Police Officer’s Education and Training Commission grant. In March, council voted and approved the hiring of one prospective candidate.

Emerich said if an injury would occur or other unforeseen circumstances, the candidate may not be able to complete the full six-month training. Having two candidates would increase the borough’s chances of having at least one candidate complete the training.

Borough council will vote on allowing a second candidate to be hired and attend training at the next meeting, set for 7 p.m. April 11.