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Board honors 2 community heroes

Nina Dziak, Ethan Christiansen, Arthur Grasso Jr. and John Walden were recognized at the March 20 Bethlehem Township Commissioners’ meeting for helping someone in a medical emergency.

Diaz, Christiansen and Grasso, all lifeguards at the indoor pool of the Bethlehem Community Center, were joined by Walden to assist in providing potentially life-saving actions Feb. 25.

On behalf of the township, President John Merhottein recognized and honored their efforts in helping someone in need.

In other business, in a vote of 3-1, DeAnn Lawrence was appointed as Commissioner for Ward 1, the seat formerly held by the late Dale Sourbeck.

Her term will end January 2024.

With the support of the recreation committee, plans for renovating the municipal park, which include handicapped accessible play equipment, a high quality playground and swings received the approval of the board to formally apply for a grant of $250,000 from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

An additional grant application for $75,000 for playground renovations was approved under the Northampton County Livable Landscape program.

Commissioners also passed Resolution R027-23 approving the expenditure of $611,301.98 for a 900-ECO 12-yard truck-mounted combination sewer cleaner.

However the commissioners rejected a waiver of the application fees and the escrow accounts for the installation of a gazebo for Green Pond United Methodist Church.

The gazebo is considered a structure because it is 22 feet. Under this classification, it falls under the land development process.

The commissioners agreed to a waiver of the land development process.

Press photo by Marieke Andronache Lifeguards Nina Dziak and Arthur Grasso Jr., and John Wilden are recognized for the lifesaving actions Feb. 25 at the indoor pool of the Bethlehem Community Center by Bethlehem Township Board President John Merhottein.