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Chris Pirrotta announces bid for school board seat

Chris Pirrotta

Chris Pirrotta, a longtime resident of the Parkland School District and father of three children who attend Parkland schools, has announced his candidacy for Parkland School director in the May 16 Primary Election.

Pirrotta says he is committed to advocating for the needs of the community and ensuring all students have the resources they need to succeed.

“I’m honored to be running for the families and residents of Parkland, and I’m committed to putting their needs and priorities first,” Pirrotta says. “My focus is on the issues that matter most to our community rather than those that may be dominating the national news.

“I am not motivated by political ambition but rather by a genuine desire to serve my fellow community members and make a positive impact in our schools.”

Pirrotta’s platform includes four critical priorities for progress: stability, support, safety, and bipartisanship.

The candidate says he believes in maintaining a stable, predictable environment for students and staff, providing resources to help every student achieve their potential, ensuring a secure and safe environment for everyone, and encouraging teamwork and collaboration for a brighter future.

In addition, Pirrotta says this platform can help students succeed, minimize school taxes, and maximize property values.

“I am committed to using my global business experience, commitment to reason, and ability to work with individuals of all convictions to advocate for the students and staff in our district,” Pirrotta says.

“My vision is to continue making Parkland one of the top school districts in the state and the nation.

“As a father and longtime district resident, I understand the importance of strong schools that give our children the foundation they need to succeed. I am proud to be a part of this community. I am committed to working tirelessly to make a positive difference for all families and residents of Parkland.”

Pirrotta is a seasoned professional with more than 21 years of experience in worldwide business and marketing operations.

He believes in the importance of community involvement and has volunteered for various organizations throughout his career.

For more information on Pirrotta and his campaign, visit his website at pirrottaforparkland.com.