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Young at Heart group selects officers

At a Jan. 30 luncheon in the social hall of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church, 2181 Washington Ave., Northampton, the church Young at Heart group selected its 2023 officers.

Anita “Nikki” Kotoris was selected president, with Bella Skweir as vice president. JoAnne Pinette accepted the role of secretary, and Carolyn Ruch assumed the treasurer position.

The Northampton chapter of the Young at Heart club is celebrating more than 30 years of camaraderie, not only for its church members, but those older than 55 who are affiliated with or are served by the organization.

Young at Heart is a social organization open to people ages 55 and older. The group is sponsored by the Diocese of Allentown. The club meets noon the last Tuesday of the month in the church social hall.

Monthly programs include presentations by speakers covering various topics of interest to seniors. State and local representatives speak about programs to assist seniors, such as benefits and programs offered by the state, Northampton Borough and Northampton County.

Some programs are simply musical entertainment for member enjoyment. Each monthly meeting concludes with the playing of bingo.

The 2023 calendar of presentations is beginning to fill up. The March speaker is state Rep. Zach Mako, R-183rd. A musical presentation is on tap for April, and Northampton Borough Councilman Ron Glassic will address the club in May.

June is the group’s anniversary celebration, and July is the summer picnic. August is a clambake. September and October are open for presenters. November is the member social, and December is the Christmas party.

The Northampton Young at Heart chapter is one of the most active senior clubs in the diocese. Consider joining this group of happy, fun-loving seniors.

Email Kotoris at ukelelegirl2@aol.com or call the parish office at 610-262-2559 for information.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Anita Kotoris, Bella Skweir, JoAnne Pinette and Carolyn Ruch celebrate being elected as Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Young at Heart president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, respectively, at the Jan. 30 meeting held at the 2181 Washington Ave., Northampton, church.