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Community Night Out set for N. Catty park

During the March 6 North Catasauqua Borough Council meeting, Police Chief Chris Wolfer announced the return of the third annual Community Night Out, scheduled for 5-9 p.m. May 11 at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, 701 Grove St.

The evening will include games, raffles, K-9 and fire department demonstrations, food, music and entertainment. If any vendors are interested in participating, contact Officer Douglas at bdouglas@ncatapd.org.

Wolfer also announced a self-defense class coming to the borough. The course will offer both classroom and hands-on instruction and aims to teach participants how to safely perform self-defense techniques.

The course will take place noon-2 p.m. April 15 at Suburban North Family YMCA, 880 Walnut St., Catasauqua. Participants were asked to register before March 15.

For more information, contact Officer Santiago at ssantiago@ncatapd.org. Information can also be found on the police department Facebook page.

Additionally, Wolfer mentioned he and North Catasauqua Fire Chief Roger Scheirer will be working together to conduct a local traffic study, specifically for the location of Fourth and Chapel streets. This location is known for motor vehicle accidents, and the borough wants to develop a resolution for this area before a deadly crash occurs. More information on this is to come.

In other business, council passed two resolutions concerning fee schedules. Tasha Jandrisovits, borough administrator, discussed the 2023 rental and certificate of occupancy fees, stating the borough inspector suggested an increase to the schedule to coincide with Keycodes Inspection Agency’s permit rates, which increased from last year.

The resolutions will also modify the language of the former ordinances to remove waived fees that did not make sense for the borough. The rental and certificate of occupancy fees were grouped together because they have a similar application process. Both amended 2023 fee schedules have been posted to the North Catasauqua Borough website under Borough News.

Treasurer Annette Englert introduced Christina Czonstka to council. She will assume the treasurer position this coming spring when Englert retires.

Englert also said training was going very well.

As a reminder, North Catasauqua will be participating in the First Regional Compost Authority’s Mulch Madness event, which will occur 8 a.m.-4 p.m. March 24 and again 8 a.m.-1 p.m. March 25 at FRCA, 6701 Weaversville Road, Northampton. There is a $10 admission charge per day in exchange for an unlimited amount of mulch; re-entry is permitted.

For more information, contact Zac at 610-262-1000.

Council will next meet 7 p.m. March 20 at borough hall, 1066 Fourth St. To view the agenda ahead of time, visit northcatasauqua.org.