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Lower Milford seeking resident for open library representative position

Feb. 16 marked the monthly regular meeting for the board of supervisors in Lower Milford Township.

There were some important items touched on during the night. Of note, Lower Milford Township is now searching for a Southern Lehigh Public Library representative to serve the township. Go online at www.lowermilford.org for more information. Applications will be accepted until March 21.

The meeting began without comment from the public. The organization and regular meeting minutes of Jan. 3 were then approved. In the township treasurer’s report, as of Jan. 31, the township’s general fund was at $1,582,532.

Following the treasurer’s report, the February bills were authorized for payment. However, it was decided that the payment to the Southern Lehigh Library be held because the library is currently at a standstill with allowing Lower Saucon Township access to the library. This could mean extensive renovation work and staffing to compensate for the influx of members. Two out of the three supervisors feel better communication is needed and an end date needs to be set by the library.

The administrator’s report was highlighted by preparation work for the 2022 audit.

In public works, patchwork was done on Dillingersville, Elementary and Kraussdale roads.

There was good news in the fire company report that the Lower Milford Fire Company was awarded a $15,000 grant from State Rep. Milou Mackenzie, R-131st.

In old business, the supervisors approved the appointment of resident Jeffrey Tankred to the vacancy board for 2023, a position he previously held. Additionally, the 2023 wages for nonunion employees were set. The township secretary, treasurer and administrator were all given two percent raises.

There were several items in new business.

A motion was approved to appoint the firm of Gilmore and Associates, Inc., to assist Township Zoning Officer/Administrator Emily Fucci with Timber Harvest Applications for 2023. The firm will help with the fieldwork, while Fucci works on correspondence.

Two letters of resignation were recognized. Danelle Roy resigned from the historical commission and Ryan Fields resigned as the Southern Lehigh Public Library representative. The township is looking to fill those positions.

Approval was given to purchase a 2016 Bomag Vibratory Roller at a price of $21,900. The money will come out American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Following, approval was given to sell the township’s 1995 Ingersoll Rand Roller on Municibid.

There was also a discussion on purchasing a 2018 New Holland Powerstar 75 Tractor with a Bomford Turner Flail Mower. It’s quoted at $60,000. This would be to replace a current John Deere tractor that needs $3,000 in repairs with a mower that needs $15,000 in repairs. The supervisors decided they should keep looking for a better tractor or deal. They may decide to try and repair what they already have if they cannot find a reasonable replacement.

Next, a proposal from the township treasurer was approved to set up a General Fund CD of $200,000 for 12 months with Embassy Bank at a rate of 4.5%. A General Fund CD is a Certificate of Deposit placed with a state bank at competitive market rates. Interest earned from deposits is returned to the state’s General Fund.

A Lower Milford Bank of America Business Card was approved for the public works foreman.

Escrow Release #2 was approved for the SJC Development Group involving the 6421 Dekrane Drive Land Development Plan. The escrow amount was $45,001.80.

Next, was Docket 23-01. This is an appeal for roof-mounted solar panels from David Gubitosi. The board is not deciding on the appeal. However, Fucci said there were some issues stemming from Gubitosi’s approval for ground-mounted solar panels from last year. When they were installed, a septic issue developed. The board requested someone from Solicitor Mark Cappuccio’s office be in attendance for the hearing to represent the township.

Resolution 2023-6 was approved, which set a sewage usage billing schedule. The schedule will be posted on the township website. Past due notices will be sent 10 days past missed payment.

In correspondence, Limeport Stadium is seeking a seating renovation project and PA Communities Program Grant. The supervisors decided to seek a letter of approval from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

There were no closing comments. The meeting was then adjourned.

The next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. March 16. The meetings are held at the township building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.