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Updates on Sauerkraut and Church Street bridge projects heard

The Alburtis Borough Council met Feb 8.

The meeting began with a comment from a local resident about the progress the Alburtis Police Department is making in catching drivers who are speeding around the borough.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer had a written report of all the tractor trailers that have been stopped going through the borough as well.

Next, the previous meeting minutes, bills for payment, treasurer’s report and engineer’s report were all approved without much discussion or questions. It was noted there were five calls to the borough in the past month in the Macungie Ambulance report.

In administration, the first item discussed was a maintenance storm drain project proposed for the maintenance garage and playground. Due to the number of other projects, this project was tabled for the time being. It will be discussed, again in June.

Next, a memorial bench dedication was discussed briefly. It will be named after Harold Frey, in dedication to his memory. Three hundred dollars has been donated toward the bench.

A community events update was provided by Councilman Hector Moss. He said he has been trying to organize a sponsorship program for local events and organizations in the borough. This is still being worked on and a final draft will be provided at an upcoming meeting.

Councilman and soon-to-be new borough manager, Stephen Nemeth also had an update on the special events committee. They met with the local chamber of commerce to discuss funding and organizing future events.

Council approved a continued conversation with the chamber, as there was concern a partnership may hurt the borough financially.

Updates were provided on the Sauerkraut Bridge Extension Project and Church Street Bridge Project. This was from Lower Macungie Township.

Regarding Sauerkraut, the township and developer are continuing work on acquiring two properties near U.S. Route 100. They also need Pennsylvania Department of Transportation approval. If PennDOT has a quick response, work is anticipated to begin in late summer or early fall.

It has been determined the Church Street Bridge is unable to be repaired. Lower Macungie’s engineer determined the bridge needed to be removed. If the bridge is permanently removed, Lower Macungie Township officials will need to work with Norfolk Southern to get rid of the rail crossing at Church Street.

The next item was an announcement that $16,562 was received for franchise fees from SECTV.

Lower Macungie Township also reached out to announce a proposed ordinance that will increase its zoning hearing board from three voting members to five. They were looking for any comments or concerns from Alburtis Borough Council. However, no comments were given.

Following this, the council approved the resignation of Nemeth from council. This was made to then pass Resolution No. 2023-5, which names Nemeth as immediate assistant borough manager to Sharon Trexler until she retires in March. He, then, will become the full-time borough manager.

Ordinance No. 578 was the last to be approved. This revised the compensation for the position of borough manager, changed holiday rules for the chief of police and corrected some medical information for the health care plans.

Following this, the meeting was adjourned.

The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting will take place 7 p.m. Feb. 22 at Alburtis Borough Hall, 260 Franklin St.