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Mixed use projects and subdivisions discussed at Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting

The Feb. 14 meeting of the Lower Macungie Planning Commission included five projects.

A sixth project, Spring Creek Estates, was removed from the agenda at the applicant’s request.

The first project discussed was the Lehigh Valley Town Center Sketch Plan.

The property would be located off Cedarbrook Road in the Highway Enterprise Zone. The project was represented by Attorney Erich Schock from Fitzpatrick Lentz and Bubba as well as John McRoberts from the Pidcock Company. The developers, Luke and David Jaindl, were also present.

The project required a zoning ordinance request to allow a mixed-use property in the Highway Enterprise Zone. Lower Macungie Township Planning Director Nathan Jones was supportive of the language in the zoning ordinance and said he feels it is ready for approval.

Schock said the goal is for the ordinance to be as inclusive as possible for other uses joining the property. He talked about the possibility of having an aquarium, an experiential sports retail use and a comedy club on the property.

There would be larger anchor uses with more of an entertainment focus. The smaller commercial buildings would be built within a walkable residential community. Schock explained a previously planned gas station would be removed to make traffic more manageable.

The number of apartments on the property was discussed. Since the wording in the ordinance was changed to use the Gross Tract Area rather than the Net Tract Area to determine the amount of development allowed on their property, the applicant was able to increase the number of apartments from previous plans.

The original plan called for 360 apartments. Schock said with the Gross Tract area the property could have from 550 to 700 apartments. This increased density would make the smaller commercial businesses work.

There was some flexibility on the apartment number. The planning commission wanted the apartment number to stay around 550 with a cap around 625.

Planning commissioners decided the density on the property should be up to the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners. The planning commission recommended approval of the Sketch Plan and Zoning Ordinance adjustment.

The second project discussed was Macungie Crossings Condo Unit 2.

The project was represented by Attorney Catherine Durso of Fitzpatrick Lentz and Bubba and Bud Newton of Newton Engineering. Attorney John Ashcraft stood in as solicitor as David Broman had a conflict of interest.

The property would have double frontage so that Hamilton Boulevard has a frontage view with emergency access doors and faux window treatments.

A motion to recommend approval of the planning stage passed unanimously.

The third project discussed was Valley at Indian Creek. The property is located at 3510 Macungie Road. The property includes plenty of open space with a walking trail.

The property would have 22 units on a loop road connecting to Macungie Road. Jones talked about having fences for lots that are backed against the walking trail. There was a discussion about the stormwater basin.

The property was represented by Schock. There was a debate over who would have ownership of the stormwater basin. Commissioner Maury Robert said the property’s homeowners’ association should own the detention pond. The discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

Another project discussed was the 7224 Mountain Road subdivision. The project was represented by Newton. The property is located off Mountain Road and Gehman Road.

The plan involves turning three lots into estates and farm sheds for family members. The other two lots on the property would be put into a state of preservation.

Newton said the applicant, Herbert Schenkel, was not interested in donating the right of way on his property to the township. Newton said Schenkel had concerns about the ultimate right of way and losing land.

Jones said Schenkel should offer the dedication of the right of way, but the township does not plan to accept it. He praised Schenkel for the land preservation. The discussion was tabled.

The final property discussed was Prachi Reality. The property is located at 801 N. Broad St. abutting Hamilton Crossings retail center. The property would include some residential units and two offices.

There will be a challenge with pedestrian access to Hamilton Crossings. Jones suggested putting up a fence or other deterrent to prevent people from walking down to Hamilton Crossings.

There was talk about improvements along North Broad Street up to the intersection with Hamilton Boulevard. The property was represented by Attorney Durso and Engineer Newton.

The property would be a two-story building with only residential on the second floor. The first floor would have offices on the first side and residential on the south side. The planning commission said the size and scale of the property is reasonable.

It was questioned if pedestrian and vehicular access to Hamilton Crossings should be required. There was also a debate about whether the applicant should make improvements to North Broad Street beyond the front of the property.

Planning commissioners talked about an ordinance from the board of commissioners to reduce the size of the planning commission from seven to five members. The zoning hearing board would be increased from three to five members.

The next Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting will be March 14.

Usually the commission meets the second Tuesday of every month and occasionally there is a workshop meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. There will be no workshop in February.

Both regular and workshop meetings begin 6 p.m.

Currently all planning commission meetings are held in person and over Zoom with a video recording uploaded to the township’s YouTube channel after the fact.