Published February 23. 2023 05:54AM
North Whitehall Township Supervisor Dennis Klusaritz has been appointed by Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors President A.J. Boni, of Perry Township, Fayette County, to a three-year term on the Resolutions Committee of PSATS.
The 18-member Resolutions Committee drafts and acts upon resolutions to guide the association’s legislative priorities.
Resolutions may be submitted by county associations of township officials, and the association’s executive board and standing committees.
PSATS represents Pennsylvania’s 1,454 townships of the second class and is committed to preserving and strengthening township government and securing greater visibility and involvement for townships in the state and federal political arenas.
Townships of the second class cover 95 percent of Pennsylvania’s land mass and represent more residents - 5.7 million - than any other type of political subdivision in the commonwealth.