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Conditional use hearing for new mixed use development

A conditional use hearing was held during the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners Feb. 16 meeting. This hearing was regarding a mixed use land development at 617 N. Krocks Road. This proposed development is across the bypass from Hamilton Crossings.

It will include 10 buildings, 318 apartment dwellings, including a club house and a dog park. Also included in the project is a 160-room hotel, 20,000 feet of retail space and a walking path. There will be two points of access on Krocks Road with a third considered for emergency usage which would be located in the turnpike area. This access will be gated. Street walls are to be considered to shield potential headlight glare.

A Hamilton Crossings, the shopping center across the bypass from this proposed project, representative spoke of concerns regarding the development. Stormwater management and traffic were the main topics.

A representative from Country Meadows, a personal care facility across Krocks Road from this proposed neighbor, raised their concerns which are mainly the traffic congestion and noise. A Lehigh Valley resident shared his concern for the traffic already congested in this area.

Traffic studies are occurring at various neighboring intersections. These include Krocks and Cetronia roads and Route 222 Bypass and Krocks Road. Also mentioned were additional intersections that should be included such as Reppert Lane and Krocks Road and others. A traffic signal is proposed for the Krocks and Cetronia roads intersection.

Ordinance 2023-01 amends Chapter 1 to reduce the number of members of the planning commission to five. This was approved.

Resolution 2023-09 is for an emergency repair of the sewer line on Willow Lane. The cost is $53,000. This was approved.

Resolution 2023-13 was approved. This is for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to acquire some land purchased by the township for land preservation known as the Dorney property.

This property is around the turnpike bridge on Lower Macungie Road. This is due to the widening of the turnpike and is needed for a drainage basin and right of way. The amount to be paid by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is $621,500 for 9.4 acres.

Resolution 2023-13 approves additional appointment of special fire police. This was approved.

The township has revised its newsletter. It should be available by the end of the week. It is more like a magazine now. Township Manager Bruce Beitel thanked those who worked on this transition.

The next board of commissioners meeting will be 6 p.m. March 2.