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Students are asked to pack anything but a backpack

“Anything but a Backpack Day” was held Feb. 1 at Salisbury Middle School. The rules were simple: come to school with your books and laptops but without a backpack. Items that can break, are bigger than a suitcase and/or causes an obstruction in the hallway were prohibited. SMS students used strollers, pet carriers, small containers and other items to tote their school stuff. RIGHT: Salisbury Middle School student Brianna Lopez arrives for school without a backpack. Additional photos appear on Page A11. Press Photo by Marieke Andronache
Maryum Mahmud uses a car seat, Grace Williams pilots a baby stroller and Juliana Bobo drives a child-size shopping cart to bring their books, laptops and other supplies to Salisbury Middle School Feb. 1.
PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Hariah Kooehler and Jaslynette Morales will carry their books to and from class all day long.
Marah Suleiman and Brinlee Neitz get creative to bring their books and supplies to school.