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St. Thomas More School students have lunch with Salisbury Township first responders

St. Thomas More school students ate lunch in the school cafeteria Jan. 30 with Salisbury police, fire and Cetronia Ambulance Corps to honor the service of first responders in the Salisbury Township community. RIGHT: Students enjoy lunch with area first responders at St. Thomas School, 1040 Flexer Ave., Jan. 30. Additional photos appear on Page A2. Press Photo by Jim Marsh
Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company Assistant Fire William Sames is one of several first responders treated to a luncheon in their honor at St. Thomas More school Jan. 30. With Sames are, left to right: Natalie Downey, Josephine Morton, Judah Duncan and Myles Moriah
St. Thomas More student Anthony Spada, far right, poses a question to Cetronia Ambulance Corps EMT Jenn Davidowich at a luncheon at St. Thomas More school held to honor local first responders. Also at the luncheon table are Lillian Musebeck, left and Quinn Trinkle. STM teachers said that it was fitting for Davidowich to be honored, as she attended STM as a youth.
Salisbury Township Police Chief Donald Sabo is surrounded by St. Thomas More school students at a school luncheon Jan. 30 to honor local first responders. The students are, from left: Deanna Holaska, Alan Jimenez, Hailey Shannon and Mary Liberman.
Local first responders received bags packed with snacks provided by St. Thomas More school students at a luncheon Jan. 30 to thank Salisbury police, fire and ambulance first responders for their service to the community. The snacks were taken back to their stations for first responders who could not attend the luncheon.