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SnowBlast Winter Arts Festival moved to March 4

The first Emmaus Borough Council of the month was held Feb. 6.

Anne Zayaitz, representing the East Penn Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, announced there will be a spaghetti dinner fundraiser Feb. 11 at Faith Presbyterian Church, 3002 N. Second St., Emmaus. The event has two start times – 5 and 7 p.m. Feb. 25 is the snow date. Approximately 50 households are being helped by the program.

Zayaitz is also on the Emmaus Public Library Board and thanked council for the constant support of the Emmaus Public Library. She invited people to come and check out the renovations and to, generally, come and experience some library activities. She reminded the council about the third annual mini-golf fundraiser being held March 24 and 25. March 24 will be for adults only with drinks being served. March 25 is for everyone to attend.

In the community minute, Councilwoman Teri Sorg-McManamon said the SnowBlast Winter Arts Festival was postponed to March 4. All times and activities will be the same. The extremely cold temperatures made it hard for the event to take place Feb. 4.

In decisions on bids, four retired borough-owned vehicles listed on Municibid were sold. The vehicles were a 1991 Chevrolet Dump Truck, a 1998 International Dump Truck, a 2002 Chevrolet Impala and a 2010 Ford Explorer. The total received was $19,700.

There were several items within communications. There were two resignations from the Emmaus Ambulance Corps, a resignation from the recreation and entertainment commission, a resignation from the Emmaus Arts Commission and an application withdrawal for the Joint Environmental Advisory Council. All will be seeking new applicants.

In contrast, an event request was received for the Tunes on the Triangle series that runs throughout the summer. The dates are June 9, June 23, July 14, July 28, Aug. 11 and Aug. 25. Events will run 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Additionally, there was an event request for the Memorial Day Parade to be held May 29. There was another event request for the Monkey Knife Fight Against Cancer Charity Bike Ride to be held April 1. All events received approval from council.

Two ordinances were approved in unfinished business – both of which stemmed from the public safety committee.

Ordinance 1237 amended “several sections of the Borough of Emmaus parking regulations.”

Ordinance 1238 added a residential disabled parking sign and assigned a permitted parking space in front of 106 S. 12th St. within the borough.

In public works, the committee approved a change in the policy language that curbside yard waste collection will be a maximum of five bags and occur once a week. All those with more than five bags should deliver their waste to the compost site.

In health, sanitation and codes, council approved the appointment of John Stover as an alternate member for the zoning hearing board.

In general administration, the lights proposal for the Towns at South Mountain Land Development Project was approved including traditional, black 14-foot LED light poles.

Council then denied the use of mulch as the walking path material for the same project. It was preferred the path be a cinder walking path.

A new donations policy was approved in budget and finance. The policy simplifies how donations are received. Should community members or businesses wish to donate, they can do so by delivering the donation to borough hall to the attention of the borough treasurer, with instructions for the use of the donation and specified department. Examples include community outreach, police department, etc. If not specified, donations will go into a general fund.

In the borough manager’s report, Shane Pepe sought approval of Resolution 2023-6, which is a resolution amending the application of the American Rescue Plan Act PA Small Water and Sewer Grant. It amended the application to show the amount requested as $425,000.

The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will be held 6 p.m. Feb. 20. Meetings are held temporarily at 420 S. 10th St. and via Zoom.