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East Allen Township to purchase new fire truck

The Jan. 26 East Allen Township Board of Supervisors workshop meeting had just two business items on the agenda - a discussion on a possible joint emergency management coordinator with Bath Borough and a consideration to purchase a new fire truck.

Bath Borough Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito asked the supervisors a simple question: Can Bath have the same emergency management coordinator as East Allen Township?

According to East Allen Township Solicitor Joseph Piperato, the East Allen emergency management coordinator can also serve another municipality. He suggested, however, a resolution be drafted stating the emergency management coordinator be allowed to serve a second municipality. He noted the state code calls for a resolution if a municipality emergency management coordinator wants to work independently for two municipalities.

Bath Borough would also be required to pass its own resolution, Piperato said.

After board discussion, it was decided the East Allen supervisors were not interested in the joint situation with Bath. Reginelli-Mirabito said Bath feels the same.

In other business, the new fire truck, which may take as long as three years to be manufactured and delivered to the township, costs nearly $1 million. The truck has significantly increased capabilities than the 1998 truck it will replace.

The board had to consider a number of issues involved with the purchase of the fire truck. How will the cutting edge technology truck be paid for? How much money will the sale of the 1998 truck yield to offset the new truck cost? What will happen if manufacturing costs increase over the three-year period? What can happen if state fire regulations change requirements for a new truck purchase?

The thorough debate and deliberation ended with a unanimous supervisor vote to move forward on the purchase of the new fire truck.

The East Allen Township Board of Supervisors will next meet 7 p.m. Feb. 23 in the township municipal building, 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit eat.org for the access numbers to view the meeting virtually.