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Blog Club engages students in SMS community

A few years ago, Salisbury Middle School underwent an important change when fifth grade arrived. It was during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and online learning.

At the time, many in the community voiced concerns on how this would all work in the long run.

One of the ways staff and faculty have worked to ensure students from all grades feel part of the bigger idea of what SMS is has been through its clubs. The Press was invited by Principal Ken Parliman to visit a number of clubs, speak to students, as well as walk through the hallways of SMS and get a true sense of what it’s like to be a middle schooler in Salisbury.

It’s Wednesday morning, Feb. 1, and students are arriving at SMS for the start of their school day. A group of around 25 are gathering in the classroom of SMS Blog Advisor and sixth grade Language Arts Teacher Kara Bellis.

“With the blog, they (the students) can do anything they want, as long as it is showcasing SMS,” Bellis said.

Baking Buds is one of the current SMS Blog projects. It is a website featuring favorite student recipes.

Gabby Hernandez, one of the students in charge of the website, explains that one way they get their recipes is by “looking them up and presenting them to the entire student body for a vote. We use the top three and whichever one that gets the highest vote is showcased.”

According to Bellis, one idea being considered at some point in the future, would be to cross over some of these recipes to another class where students could actually make the recipes.

The SMS Podcast is another popular branch of SMS Blog. Last year, 11 podcasts were produced, most on myth busting.

With some of the students moving on to the high school and new students joining SMS Blog this past September, the podcast was renamed to “Falcons on the Fly” and it is gaining popularity.

According to Ryan, one of the podcasters, “we do myth busting, interviews, trivia and a variety of things. We send out forms for suggestions for interviewing, asking questions.” Both teachers and students are interviewed.”

Grace worked on a trivia project. Each trivia quiz has a different theme.

So why join SMS Blog out of all the clubs SMS offers?

“I joined the blog because it kind of gives you freedom to do what you want, like with hobbies. I like to bake and I’m also in the Baking Buds and it’s kind of along the lines with my hobby. So you can attach things with your hobbies also,” Alyssa Martucci said.

“I really like working with technology, so with the podcast and maintaining the website, it’s something I like,” Ryan said.

Charlotte loves photography. “I take photos every month for a project I’m working on.” According to Bellis, the end game of Charlotte’s project will be for students to figure out where in the building or property these pictures were taken.

Student and Staff Spotlight is also a popular feature of SMS Blog recognizing students and teachers for things that help SMS as a whole but don’t always get recognized.

Skylar and Lauren said they would like at some point to interview Assistant Principal Rob Sawicki to find out more about how he perceives his role to be, as well as interview and take a picture of the office of School Resource Officer Jason Laky.

They decide on this day to go on a search for SRO Laky in the hallways of the school.

It’s during this time they tell The Press how they feel special knowing they are part of the first fifth grade class to be transferred to SMS. They found those initial first months of virtual learning difficult. It is clear how they are embracing the opportunities offered to them by the various SMS clubs.

The students finally find SRO Laky and do their interview, asking questions ranging from his role as an officer to being the basketball coach.

To read the interview, as well as listen to the Falcon on the Fly podcast or read recipes from Baking Buds, you can visit the SMS Blog website: Salisbury Middle School Blog (edublogs.org).

PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Salisbury Middle School Blog Advisor Kara Bellis looks over the work of her students who meet once a week.
Lauren and Skylar interview School Resource Office Jason Laky for an upcoming Salisbury Middle School Staff Highlights feature.
Every Wednesday morning, around 25 students meet to discuss and work on SMS Blog stories, which are published on the district's website.
Salisbury Middle School blog students are made up of fifth to eighth grade students.