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Armstrong addresses Hanover council

At the Feb. 1 Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting, Lehigh County Executive Phillips Armstrong addressed leaders.

Armstrong began his presentation by saying he addresses all Lehigh County municipalities - 25 in all - and intends to attend meetings throughout the year.

His presentation to council touched on numerous county topics and dominated most of the meeting.

Armstrong introduced Yorman De La Rosa, a newly hired Lehigh County community liaison who will assist municipalities with issues and concerns.

He discussed the county’s efforts to keep the IronPigs minor league baseball team in the Lehigh Valley. Armstrong noted numerous groups came together successfully to fund the requirements necessary for the IronPigs to remain at Coca-Cola Park.

Armstrong added the IronPigs were never going to leave the stadium and area but stressed clear action was needed to solve some issues. He expressed delight the groups came together.

Armstrong informed meeting attendees there was no county tax hike for 2023. He said the American Rescue Plan Act from the federal government “helped the county (budget) tremendously.” He said Lehigh County will receive $2.7 million for a countywide home improvement program.

He touched on the opioid task force efforts and funds earmarked from the state’s payout from the opioid settlement. He also added the county is suing over the high costs of insulin.

Armstrong noted the renovation at Lehigh Valley International Airport is nearing completion.

“We will have a premier airport,” Armstrong said, regarding the work well underway.

Asked a question by a council member about the county’s farmland and open space preservation effort, Armstrong responded Lehigh County is third in the state for farmland preservation. He said it is important to continue the work to preserve farmland and open spaces in the county.

The issue of pollution associated with warehouses was discussed. Armstrong said it is important to have accurate data on air quality. He noted the county will be gathering data, not just involving warehouses, but also other high-traffic areas. He acknowledged there is a pollution issue in Lehigh County the administration intends to address.

In township matters, council accepted a bid in the amount of $517,646.80 from Telco Corporation for the Catasauqua Road/Valley Plaza improvements.

Ordinance 2023-01 was introduced. It will amend chapter 25, part one, section 105, subsections three and four, establishing standards and responsibility for trimming, pruning or removing street trees in a diseased or dangerous condition. Council expects to discuss the possible ordinance at its next meeting.

Council authorized the release of payment in the amount of $214,841.89 to Wexcon Inc. for the Allendale sanitary sewer replacement project.

At the end of the meeting, a representative and owners of Primo Produce Company, 2100 Hoover Ave., approached council to discuss their planned purchase of the AMC building, possibly this May, with the intention of expanding the facility’s operations. The theater is adjacent to the Primo business. Representatives noted they are ready to present to the township planning commission.

The next council meeting will be 7 p.m. Feb. 15 at the township municipal building, 2202 Grove Road. It is an in-person meeting only.