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Fair foundation accepting scholarship applications

The Great Allentown Fair Foundation Inc. is now accepting applications from high school seniors interested in pursuing college-level education in the upcoming 2023-24 term.

Students are encouraged to apply for fair foundation scholarships and submit their completed applications before 5 p.m. May 1.

Additional information, including the application and submittal process are posted at AllentownFairFoundation.org.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to reward students that would like to pursue agriculture,” said Ibolya Balog, Great Allentown Fair Foundation Trustee and Scholarship Committee Chair.

The Great Allentown Fair Foundation readily accepts donations to support initiatives like these, and donation information is also available at AllentownFairFoundation.org.

Agriculture has long been, and continues to be, a major driver of Pennsylvania’s economy - and its largest industry - providing more than $84 billion in direct economic output and supporting over 280,000 jobs.

The field of agriculture is diverse and has opportunities everywhere: from growing crops to rearing animals; from organics, sustainability, and farm-to-table, to canning, wine making and wool production.

The Great Allentown Fair Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization chartered in 2019, as a separate subsidiary of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society.

The mission of The Great Allentown Fair Foundation is to provide philanthropic opportunities through grants and charitable donations to preserve, enrich, and advance agriculture.

For additional information about The Great Allentown Fair Foundation, visit AllentownFairFoundation.org.