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Historical society searching for veterans

It was a busy night at the Upper Milford Supervisors’ Jan. 19 meeting, with topics ranging from honoring the township’s veterans, renewal of lease agreements, special fire police discussions for 2023 Vera Cruz activities and the latest from Emmaus Public Library.

Do you have a family member who is a veteran? Upper Milford Historical Society Historian Neil Moyer wants to hear from you. As he explained to The Press, he has been gathering pictures of the township’s veterans, three books full, which he would like to put on display in the halls of the municipal township building.

“Right now, we may have around 140 veteran pictures. But, I know that when Emmaus put out their book out for the military, they had quite a number from our township in there,” Moyer said.

The room is full of artifacts and pictures that tell the story of Upper Milford Township. According to Moyer, the displays show “about a third of what we have on the computer. We plan on changing these out every six months.”

“We have students coming out from the Emmaus High School once a year. And what we do is that they come here first and I give them the history of the township. Then they go out to Jasper Park where they learn the history from John Fegley and Bob Thomas of the Lenape Indians and our township and Jasper Park,” Moyer said.

If you have an item you wish to donate, contact Cindy or Jessi at the municipal building at 610-966-3223.

The Upper Milford Historical Society is open to the public 1-4 p.m. the third Sunday of every month. There are also monthly lectures. Moyer will be speaking Feb. 23 at the auditorium of the Upper Milford Township Building. Information is available at uppermilford.org.

Supervisor John Zgura briefly spoke about a recent meeting with the Hivel Und Dah Preservation Society about the Schubert-Graber log cabin. Both sides are still discussing grant possibilities.

Ordinance 169, which implements a speed limit of 35 mph on Indian Creek Road, between Chestnut Street and St. Peters Road and directs appropriate signaling was approved by the supervisors.

Township Manager Edward Carter explained to the board the Pennsylvania State Police currently do not use the Mono Pole system, located behind the township buildings.

Carter explained “they would like to enter into a new 5-year lease with the township at $1 per year as long as the site remain unused. If the state or other government agencies uses the site, the original lease would go back to $3,000 per year.

“The township has been in contact with Lehigh County about the possibility of using this site for their new radio system.”

In response to a question from Zgura, Carter told the board the county is still in the preliminary stages of planning their radio system. The lease and licensing agreement with the Pennsylvania State Police passed unanimously.

The Fulmer Preserve Farming Lease, which uses no-till farming as per the guidelines of Lehigh County Conservation District, was passed unanimously. It is a 5-year lease at $950 per year.

The Vera Cruz Association has requested special fire police for the 1 p.m. April 8 Easter Egg Hunt, the Aug. 20 Homecoming Celebration noon to 8 p.m. and the Halloween Parade which is currently scheduled 6:30 p.m. Oct. 1, with a rain date of Oct. 19.

Emmaus Public Library Director Maryellen Kanarr reported an increase in library use from 2021 to 2022. The most notable numbers were an increase of 218% in youth event attendance, 76% increase in adult event attendance, 62% increase of Hoopla use (e-books and digital media) and a 54% rise in website visits.

The SnowBlast Winter Arts Festival events at the library will take place 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 4. There will be story time with the SnowBlast Princess 10:30 a.m., followed at 1 p.m. with the showing of the movie “Smallfoot,” as well as other various winter crafts, including live music, at the Emmaus Triangle Park, according to Kanarr.

The Third Annual Tee Time at the Library has two times and dates – 6-9 p.m. March 24 will be the adult event (21 and older). The next day 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 25 will be a family event. There is a charge for both events. For more information on SnowBlast and Tee-Time, call 610-965-9284.

PRESS PHOTO BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE One of Upper Milford Historical Society's display cases shows the history of the township.