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DA Jim Martin will not seek re-election

Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin announced Jan. 17 he will not be a candidate for re-election to the office of district attorney of Lehigh County in the municipal election scheduled this year.

“It is my intent, God willing, to serve the remainder of my term in office which will end the first Monday of January 2024.

Jan. 26 will mark the 25th anniversary of Martin becoming district attorney of Lehigh County.

“I have been privileged to serve in this office. I am very appreciative of former County Executive Jane S. Baker who supported my appointment and of the board of commissioners of Lehigh County who appointed me to the position in January 1998,” Martin said.

He said he is proud of the record achieved in the district attorney’s office over the last 25 years. He praised the dedication, professionalism and efforts of the many assistant district attorneys and dedicated members of the administrative staff.

He said he was grateful to his secretary of 28 years, Merrily Starkey, who also served as head of the administrative staff over the last 15 years.

Martin noted the record achieved in prosecuting the most serious crime – criminal homicide.

“To date, we have prosecuted 296 homicides and obtained convictions in 289, a better than 97.5% conviction record,” Martin said.

He also said he is proud of the Regional Intelligence and Investigation Center which has been operating for 10 years, providing “law enforcement with an excellent investigative and intelligence resource.”

Martin thanked many individually in his announcement as well as his thanks and deep appreciation to the law enforcement community of Lehigh County.

“I have had the privilege to work closely with many municipal police chiefs over the past 25 years and many other fine officers of local police departments. I thank all of them for their support, friendship and the service they provide to the citizens of their communities.

Martin also thanked the many elected officials in Lehigh County as well as the employees of the county, supporters, friends and citizens for their trust.

“I am proud to have achieved the rank of ‘longest serving district attorney in the history of Lehigh County,’” Martin said.

FILE PHOTO District Attorney Jim Martin