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North Catasauqua police

North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently.

JAN. 16

A noise complaint brought police to the 1000 block of Howertown Road.

Officers assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

The department assisted an outside agency at Center Street and Keystone Avenue, Coplay.

JAN. 17

A report of harassment brought police to the 800 block of Palomino Drive.

Police investigated a mental health call in the 1000 block of Front Street.

The department addressed a traffic violation at Arch and Fifth streets.

Officers assisted outside agencies on Church Street and at South 14th Street and Edward Lane in Catasauqua.

JAN. 18

A child custody or abuse report brought police to the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Officers responded to a reported theft from a vehicle in the 800 block of Willow Drive.

Police investigated an animal complaint at Fifth and Arch streets.

The department responded to a traffic violation at Third and Walnut streets, Catasauqua.

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

JAN. 19

A theft of vehicle parts brought police to the 800 block of Liberty Street.

Officers assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Police investigated an abandoned vehicle report in the 1100 block of Front Street.

JAN. 20

A noise complaint in the 600 block of Walnut Street brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to a burglary in the 500 block of Green Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Traffic enforcement measures brought police to Howertown Road and Grove Street.

JAN. 21

Officers investigated a noise complaint, security check and welfare check in the 1400 block of Main Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Officers responded to reports of traffic violations at Howertown Road and Grove Street, Howertown Road and Willow Drive, Eugene and Third streets and Cypress and Fifth streets.

Traffic enforcement occurred at Third and Cypress streets.

JAN. 22

Officers investigated a report of a suspicious person at American and Chapel streets.

Police responded to parking complaints at Arch and Limestone streets and in the 700 block of Grove Street.

The department assisted outside agencies on Chestnut Street, Coplay, and at American and Chapel streets.