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Summer plans, parking on agenda

The Fountain Hill Recreation Committee reported Jan. 18 on the success of last year’s summer program, and with staff returning, the committee plans a pay raise for returning playground staff. Also on the playground site, a pickleball court is being considered, though that will require a grant, preferably from a local source such as St. Luke’s University Hospital.

Earlier this month, the Planning Commission heard the petition of Attorney Joseph Piperato seeking to change the lot size per development unit for the entire borough by altering the zoning ordinance. This was due to a project at 940 Cherokee St. not receiving a variance for reduced lot size per dwelling unit. While the petition was not rejected, the commissioners want to amend it. The change in lot size would be allowed only in new developments in the town center. This decision is not yet codified. The borough solicitor will work on the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to bring to borough council at a future meeting, and the public must be allowed input.

Borough police would like signage to make parents aware of the new school traffic pattern, and also an amendment to the parking ordnance so that violators could be fined.

Resident Iris Kake asked about snow removal at drop-off and pickup areas of the school

Council President Norman Blatt said snow removal is handled by the borough. He said, “people just have to handle it as best they can.”

Borough Manager Eric Gratz said, “we are willing to address (the clearing of the snow in the streets around the school), but Delaware Avenue has priority for downtown removal.” He added, “If the school district wants to take this on, no one will complain.”

The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. at borough hall.