Bath council discusses quality of life issue
At the Jan. 9 Bath Borough Council meeting, council discussed the borough’s quality of life ordinance.
Council Vice President Frank Hesch put the ordinance on the table. He noted that, although residents are allowed to park their cars in their yards, the number of instances is on the rise.
“When your yard becomes a parking lot” and spills out onto the front street, Hesch said, something needs to done.
Acknowledging some may view this as a governmental infringement on property rights, Hesch said all he wants to see is a committee review the ordinance and behaviors in the community that have a negative impact on quality of life.
The recommendation quickly drew pushback, but Hesch again asserted he is just seeking a review by a committee, with public input, regarding the ordinance and these behaviors.
At the close of the meeting, council President Michele Ehrgott suggested the issue of the parking of cars in yards be added to the agenda for the special meeting planned for 6 p.m. Feb. 8. The topic of this special meeting is recycling.
The suggestion was approved.
Ehrgott also welcomed all into 2023 and wished everyone well. She said she wants to see communication improve for residents and council, with an increased utilization of Facebook.
Ehrgott also requested two items be reported at monthly council meetings. She is requesting regular rental inspection updates and information and transparency about Right to Know requests, such as cost and how the office can answer questions before a person files such a request.
Council approved the advertisement of an ordinance to remove an accessible parking spot.
Resolution 2023-01 was passed to address the disposition of Bath records. All ordinances and resolutions are available for review by visiting or by calling the borough office.
There was a discussion about the $480,000 for the Pennsylvania-mandated requirements of the MS4 upgrades needed in Bath. Borough Manager Brad Flynn said the Bath MS4 plans were approved by the state. There is about five years to get the plan fully implemented.
Ehrgott suggested, due to the large cost of the state’s project mandate, an ad hoc MS4 committee be established to track progress of the project’s completion.
Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito said juvenile vandals are paying restitution for their damage to a borough park. She believes the borough will be reimbursed in full for the destructive behavior.
The next Bath Borough Council meeting is 6 p.m. Feb. 6 at borough hall, 121 S. Walnut St. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit for the call-in number and code to view virtually.
There is a special meeting 6 p.m. Feb. 8 in council chambers to discuss recycling and the parking of cars in yards.
Borough council’s bimonthly meeting will be held 6 p.m. Feb. 15.