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County council reorganizes

At the annual Northampton County Council reorganization meeting Jan. 3, Kerry Myers was voted president by a vote of 5-3, with one abstention.

Myers previously served as vice president of council.

Councilman Ronald Heckman was elected vice president, and council made a unanimous motion to retain Christopher Spadoni as solicitor.

In other business, county Executive Lamont McClure commended council and the county as a whole for the work during the past five years.

The county worked through a “hundred-year pandemic,” saving small businesses in the process, McClure said. Further, taxes were cut and a record amount of parks and open space was preserved.

McClure also expressed his dismay to council regarding the partnership health center resolution.

Steve Barron, director of fiscal affairs, hand delivered the resolution to council Nov. 11, 2022, and was told the agenda was too full.

“Neither is it good and efficient government to not put our resolution on your agenda,” McClure said.

County council next meets 6:30 p.m. Jan. 19 in the county building, 669 Washington St., Easton.