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Allen supervisors adjust time of meetings for 2023

At its Dec. 13 meeting, Allen Township Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to meet 6 p.m. in 2023. Supervisors will still meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month - but an hour earlier.

The planning commission will also meet 6 p.m. Mondays as necessary.

In other business, one Mud Lane resident reported damage to his property. The angle of the turn and the proximity of the resident’s house causes trucks turning right from Howertown Road onto Mud Lane to drive over his front yard.

Supervisor Dale Hassler pointed out trucks aren’t even supposed to be that far north on Howertown Road.

The board made a motion to add “No trucks” signs ahead of Mud Lane on both ends of Howertown and Seemsville roads. As a part of this motion, blockades on Cesanek Road will also be removed. This will allow the trucks to turn around before they get to Mud Lane.

Township Solicitor Lincoln Treadwell explained police will be unable to enforce the signs without a traffic study, but Hassler is hopeful the signs will at least deter some truck operators.

The board of supervisors next meets 6 p.m. Jan. 3, 2023, in the fire department building, 3530 Howertown Road.