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Sensory Room, expenses discussed

The Dec. 6 Saucon Valley School Board meeting was fairly brief but saw a handful of notable pieces of business.

During the reorganization meeting prior to the regular meeting, board President Dr. Shamim Pakzad and Vice President Susan Baxter swapped roles for the third consecutive year, with Baxter returning to the chair she’s occupied several times during her tenure as director.

Otherwise, no notable adjustments in committee assignments or next year’s meetings were made, although Director Michael Karabin suggested scheduling a public hearing to discuss such assignments before the 2023 edition. No immediate action was taken on Karabin’s idea.

The regular meeting immediately followed, with Director of Special Education and Student Services Jillian Brodhead providing a presentation on Sensory Development supports and efforts in the elementary school.

She described the various tiers of support offered to students, which are based on their needs and sensitivities. Brodhead also provided slides showing examples of sensory-calming rooms, which are available as needed for students in kindergarten and first grade.

With the expense of some supplies such as accessories, furniture and other items not covered by the district’s budget, Brodhead established an Amazon.com ‘Wish List,’ which interested parties can access and find items to purchase and donate to the department, she added.

Otherwise, discussion around the funding of necessary facilities repairs and maintenance - and the source of the money - was the prevalent topic for the meeting’s remainder.

Ultimately, expenditures totaling approximately $12,000 were okayed for caulk replacement at the football stadium and roofing at the elementary school. Both services will be provided by Eshbach Brothers masonry of Reading.

Press photo by Chris Haring Roof repairs at Saucon Valley ES were among the expenses authorized at the Dec. 6 school board meeting.