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Moore supervisors approve 2023 budget with no tax hike

Moore Township Board of Supervisors held the line on property taxes with a unanimous vote at the Dec. 6 supervisors meeting.

The real estate tax rate will remain at 6 mills. The final budget will be available for review on the township website, mooretownship.org.

After the meeting, township Manager Nicholas C. Steiner said the federal American Rescue Plan Act, spearheaded by the Biden administration, assisted in not only affording the township the capability to make improvements in the township, but also took stress off the budget and helped lead to no tax hike.

It was reported the new ultraviolet light water system may be installed at the recreation center over the winter. The UV system is designed to eliminate some microorganisms from the water.

UV light is part of natural sunlight. When UV light enters a microorganism, its energy damages the microbe’s cellular function that inhibits the cell’s growth. UV light is effective against many viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Protozoa are single-celled microscopic animals and are found worldwide.

UV light disinfection systems can eliminate some bacteria and viruses, making the water safer to drink. There are several classes of disinfection desired. Costs will vary based on the system’s capabilities.

The public works department members reported they are ready for the winter snow season with an adequate amount of rock salt on hand. Additionally, the resignation of a key public works staff member who has accepted a position with another township was reported.

The annual leaf collection was set to end Dec. 16.

Supervisor Chair Daniel Piorkowski, in his Nazareth Council of Governments report, said Moore Township will not renew its contract with NIXLE. Steiner noted that, with numerous ZIP codes in the township, the NIXLE service did not work efficiently or effectively.

The recreation committee reported the recreation center concession stands were thoroughly cleaned.

The land and environmental protection board plans to preserve about 32 acres of open space at the Bridget George site, also referred to as the Little Pond Arts Retreat.

The retreat was founded in 1997 by Bill and Bridget George. Little Pond is a cultural center and meeting place dedicated to inspiring people of all ages and walks of life to spark creativity in the arts and spirituality in a natural environment.

The retreat is open for gatherings, education events, spiritual events and other activities. Visit littlepond.org for more information.

It was announced Michael Wallery resigned from the township planning commission. The term of the position ends Dec. 31, 2024.

There is another opening on the planning commission, with a term to end Dec. 31, 2026. Contact the township office to apply for either of the open positions.

The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting is set for 6 p.m. Jan. 3, 2023. The meeting is both a reorganization and a regular meeting. It is an in-person meeting at the township municipal building, 2491 Community Drive.