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Ho ho ho!

Though Santa sightings have been reported throughout the Lehigh Valley, The Press was finally able to catch up with him Nov. 27 at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 19th Street and Lincoln Avenue, Northampton.

The event included some Christmas magic and much singing, along with photos with Santa and refreshments. Afterward, he was able to take some time to speak with us about his upcoming flight.

Q. Hi, Santa! How are the elves and Mrs. Claus?

A. Ahh, they’re busy but doing very well, thanks.

Q. So Santa, how’s the naughty and nice list looking at this point?

A. Oh well, every year, we have some kids who are on the naughty list, but the majority of them are on the nice list. We go over that right up until the day before I leave to spread all the presents around the world.

Q. Will you be able to make it to everyone’s houses this year? Are high fuel prices affecting you, or do you have some alternative fuel?

A. Well, we generate our fuel from Mother Earth, and we don’t use fuel oil. We do use electricity, but that comes from the earth itself.

Q. How about supply chain issues, Santa? Any problems finding what you need to make all the toys?

A. Well, see, the great thing about being Santa and having our own workshop is we make all our supplies before we put them together into the toys. Everything is handmade at the North Pole.

Q. What’s the most interesting or surprising request you’ve received from a kid this season?

A. Well, now, I’m going to have to think on that because, every year, I get asked for things that I can’t deliver, like maybe someone having his or her sister back or something like that. It makes my heart sad. I wish I could do something about that, but Santa’s magic only goes so far. But now that I’m thinking about it, I did have a request for one of the old wooden sleighs we used to make with the metal runners. We stopped making them quite a few years ago, but I told him I’ll get the elves on that.

Q. We hear the polar bears are having a tough time of it lately. Have they been stopping by for some of Mrs. Claus’ cookies?

A. We feed the polar bears quite well. Sometimes, we give them some cookies and, sometimes, some healthy food, Ho, ho, ho! But they all seem to be doing very well - the ones who hang around the North Pole anyway.

Q. And what do the reindeer eat?

A. We have one building where we just grow carrots for the reindeer, so we keep a healthy supply of good food for the reindeer.

Q. What is your favorite cookie?

A. Well, now, as I tell the kids, I never met a cookie I didn’t like, OK? But my favorite, if it’s homemade, is chocolate chip. And if it’s store bought, Double Stuf Oreos.

Q. Are the elves all finished making gifts?

A. We are almost done making the gifts. We’re about 98% there. As far as the wrapping, well, that’s about 95%. But we’ll have everything done well in time for Christmas Eve.

Q. What do you do Dec. 26?

A. I’m pretty much in my easy chair and just resting from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Q. What would you like to tell the children this year?

A. As I do every year, I just ask the children to be on their best behavior, to always respect their parents and their elders and to have lots of fun because, as you get older, some of that fun goes away. So now’s the time to have as much fun as you can have at Christmas! And always do the best you can in school.

Well, there you have it. It would seem Santa and his crew are right on schedule to bring a joyous Christmas to all.

PRESS PHOTO BY M.J. KORSAK Olivia and Addison Gonzalez share a moment with Santa during St. Paul's United Church of Christ's Christmas event, held Nov. 27 at 105 E. 19th St., Northampton.
PRESS PHOTOS BY M.J. KORSAK Santa leads the group in song during a Christmas event, held Nov. 27 at St. Paul's United Church of Christ, 105 E. 19th St., Northampton.
Santa and Mrs. Claus take a moment together during the event.
Marc, Crissy and baby Allison Wisniewski visit with Santa Claus.
Veteran Mike McGuinness and companion Ella pose with Santa.
Santa performs some magic for attendees.