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Equity an evolving, ongoing goal

Excellence through equity is an evolving ideology that Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy and the administrators adhere to. The Bethlehem Area School District has a longstanding awareness of the importance of diversity in shaping the success of its schools. The creation of the office of Equity Initiatives is no surprise to anyone familiar with this commitment- to provide each and every student, regardless of differences such as culture, race, gender, sexuality, socioeconomics, the same access to all educational/learning and extra-curricular activities provided by the school district.

This is not a new idea for BASD. For nearly a decade, the Superintendent’s Diversity Committee met consistently with key district and community stakeholders to discuss concerns, and develop plans, to address equity issues. In the 2015-16 academic year, the BASD created the Excellence Through Equity plan with the of lofty goal equalizing family income as predictors of school success by guaranteeing equitable access to opportunities for all students.

Research began. Goals and objectives were established. This program will be informed and consistent with the best research/practices in the field. The program would create and maintain a district-wide data team to identify and define best research/practices in the field at both the national and state level and follow the Data Quality Control Cycle.

Realizing the magnitude of this project, the Office of Equity Initiatives was formed in the fall of 2021. Dr. Benita Draper was appointed director and Eric Fontanez supervisor. They are tasked with programming, data control and prioritizing students’ equitable access to learning and activities and are not hindered by race, culture, gender, sexuality or income.

Dr. Roy’s vision for BASD is that, “every student feel a sense of belonging; when you belong you can be more academically successful.” The office of equity inclusion will focus on making that a reality.