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County council overturns veto

At its Dec. 8 meeting, Northampton County Council discussed county Executive Lamont McClure’s veto to the amended budget.

County council approved the $544.8 million budget at a previous meeting, removing three line items from the budget. Those line items included reducing funds for the hydroelectric plant and the redistribution of those funds to affordable housing and a student loan assistance plan.

McClure vetoed the changes council made. The same items sat before council to be overturned. To be overturned, six of the nine council members needed to vote in favor of putting the line items back in the budget.

Council voted on each of the three items individually, and all three received five yes and four no votes; this means the budget will remain as they approved it at the previous meeting.

In other business, council approved multiple motions transferring money from 2022 contingency accounts to various nonprofit organizations.

Center for Animal Health and Welfare and Williams Township Athletic Association each received $1,000, while Sights for Hope, Miracle League of Northampton County and Saucon Valley Community Center received $5,000 grants each.

County council will be holding its annual reorganization meeting 3:30 p.m. Jan. 3, 2023, at the county building, 669 Washington St., Easton. Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Jan. 5, 2023.