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Coplay council holds line on taxes

Coplay Borough Council approved the second reading of the 2023 budget at its regular meeting Dec. 13. The total budget is $3,211,620, and there will be no increase to taxpayers.

Council also approved keeping ACELA Engineering on as its engineering service provider for the future and approved the reappointment of Broughal and DeVito as the borough’s solicitor.

Heather Chadwick was approved to fill the borough office clerk position. She will replace Tiffany Benson, who is moving into the role of borough secretary and treasurer to replace Kimberly Bachman, who is resigning from the role at the end of this month.

Both Jane Gillespie and Melvin Procanyn were approved to serve another three-year term on the Coplay Public Library board.

Approval was given to North Catasauqua Police Department to use the gym at the borough building for a defensive class. Coplay Police Department will also attend the class, which will be held Jan. 16 and 17, 2023.

A motion was made to keep the $11,200 from the 2022 shade tree commission line item in the 2023 commission line item. After a vote, this motion carried, which now brings the shade tree commission line item to a total of $23,200 for 2023.

The rent for Coplay Athletic Club and Explorer Post 101, which utilize the borough building on South Fourth Street, was approved to be held at the current price with no increase for 2023.

Council voted to approve and accept the resignation of Charles Sodl from the planning commission, effective Dec. 8.

Other business that was handled included several transfers of funds, which usually happens at the end of each year.

The transfers were all approved by the borough and are as follows - transfer funds from general fund: streets/road construction to department projects in the amount of $99,521; transfer funds from general fund: streets/technology to department projects in the amount of $3,375; transfer funds from general fund: streets/equipment fund to department projects in the amount of $6,500; transfer funds from garbage fund: new truck fund to department projects in the amount of $10,000; and transfer funds from garbage fund: technology to department projects in the amount of $5,000.

Several members of council met with the borough’s ACELA engineer representative recently to discuss the plan to make Chestnut Street a “no truck route.” The engineer is working with a surveyor to move the process forward.

Councilman Mark Molitoris stated he will complete the rest of his term serving on council but will not run for reelection.

Borough President Lou Bodish said the borough office and public works department will be closed Dec. 23 and 26 for the holiday.

Garbage pickup will be held Dec. 27 and 28 due to the holiday.