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Vote expected on 2023 proposed Salisbury Township budget

The 2023 proposed Salisbury Township budget is expected to be voted on for adoption at the 7 p.m. Dec. 8 board of commissioners meeting at the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

If the budget is approved, the Dec. 8 meeting will be the final township commissioners’ meeting for 2022.

Taxes are not expected to increase as a result of the 2023 Salisbury Township budget. Tax rates will stay the same as in 2022.

Residents, businesses and nonprofit institutions can expect to pay more for water and sewer services.

In the 2022 budget, township millage increased from 2.42 mills to 2.92 mills.

The total rate was 2.92 mills or 29.2 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation.

The township tax hike was, on average, $120 per property owner, or $10 per month, based on the township median residential property valuation of $235,000.

The tax rate for general township purposes was 2.57 mills on each $1 of assessed valuation or 25.7 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation.

The tax rate for fire protection was 0.29 mills on each $1 of assessed valuation.

The tax rate for library services was 0.06 mills on each $1 of assessed valuation or 0.60 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation.

The first reading of the Salisbury Township proposed 2023 budget was at the board of commissioners’ Nov. 10 meeting.

The 2023 township budget was available for public inspection as of Nov. 14 at the municipal building and on the township website: https://www.salisburytownshippa.org/.

The 2023 general fund revenue is $9,728,493. The revenue is down from a projected 2022 general fund revenue of $11,571,239.

Category expenditures listed in the proposed budget are available on the township website under the 2023 budget listing.

The 2023 general fund of $3,795,000 includes: operating – $3,015,00; capital – $325,000; fire fund – $377,000 and library fund – $78,000.

There will be .25 mills of real estate taxes dedicated to capital for the general fund.

The millage is 2.92000, including general fund: operating – 2.32000 mills; general fund - capital – 0.25000 mills; fire fund – 0.29000 mills and library fund – 0.06000 mills.

Department budgets

Information technology: $252,244

An IT specialist was hired in 2022 to manage township IT in-house.

Engineering: $50,000

The township consulting engineer attends board of commissioner and planning commission meetings.

Buildings and plant: $212,972

A Public Works Department equipment operator will take care of many building maintenance and replacement needs.

Police - salary and benefits: $3,207,434

The township agreed to an annual cost of living salary increase of 3.75 percent in 2023.

Police - other expenditures: $291,426

Community development: $579,731

Items under code enforcement were moved under Community Development.

Fire services: $226,568

Environmental Advisory Department: $400

Public Works - salary and benefits: $2,278,679

Public Works - other expenditures: $123,835; tools and machinery: $85,000

Public Works - streets and storm sewers

Traffic control: $38,500

Storm sewers: $54,200

Streets and bridges: $285,000

Recreation, parks: $81,500

Recreation, participation: $53,222

Fire fund: $72,735

Taxes pay operational expenditures of Eastern and Western Salisbury fire departments such as insurance, utilities, truck repairs, supplies and equipment and training.

Water fund: $2,465,629

The Lehigh County Authority 2023 rates are increasing 8.8 percent.

The user rate does not cover the fund’s operating costs.

Proposed is a rate increase of $.45 per 1,000 gallons to cover the increase in operating costs.

Proposed is an increase of $.50 per 1,000 gallons to be dedicated to capital purposes.

The total proposed increase of $.95 per 1,000 gallon added to the water rate of $7.35 per 1,000 is $8.30 per 1,000 gallon.

The impact of the increase on an average-size family using 15,000 gallons per quarter is approximately $14 per quarter or $56 annually.

Sewer fund: $2,337,383

Proposed is an increase of $4 per quarter for a total rate of $79 per quarter.

Of that, $10 per quarter goes toward capital expenditures and $69 per quarter goes toward operating expenditures.

Refuse, recycling fund: $1,973,957

Debt services: $367,663

Highway aid: $660,400

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board meeting scheduled 7 p.m. Dec. 14 is canceled.

The Salisbury Township Planning Commission meeting scheduled 7 p.m. Dec. 28 is postponed to 7 p.m. Jan. 4, 2023 in the meeting room of the municipal building.