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Lehigh Carbon Community College expands nursing programs admissions

In response to an increase in the need for trained healthcare professionals in the region and a growing interest in training to be a nurse, Lehigh Carbon Community College is expanding admission to its Nursing Programs.

The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program and the transitional Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) advanced placement will increase the annual number of entrance students.

The ADN program, previously only admitting new students each fall, will now offer admission in fall and summer semesters. The transitional LPN to ADN process, previously only admitting new students each summer, will now offer admission in summer, fall and spring semesters.

Application periods are through Feb. 1, 2023: for Associate Degree Nursing program with the SDS 110: Introduction to Associate Degree Nursing; LPN to Associate Degree Nursing program with SDS 111: Introduction to LPN to Associate Degree Nursing, and Practical Nursing Certificate program with SDS 112: Introduction to Practical Nursing.

Subsequent application periods are: Feb. 2 - June 1, 2023, for fall 2023: Associate Degree Nursing, LPN to Associate Degree Nursing; June 2 - Oct. 1, 2023, for spring 2024: LPN to Associate Degree Nursing; Oct. 2, 2023 - Feb. 1, 2024, for summer 2024: Associate Degree Nursing, LPN to Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing.

Applications are open. Information is available online, or by contacting Karen Clark, Director of Nursing, kclark@lccc.edu; or LCCC Admissions, admissions@lccc.edu ; 610-799-1575