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Bath Borough Council discusses police services with trooper

At its Dec. 5 meeting, Bath Borough Council received a detailed police report in the form of a 12-page PowerPoint presentation from Trooper Nathan Branosky, Pennsylvania State Police public relations officer. Branosky has been connected with Bath since the state police began providing police services to the borough in 2018.

At a recent council meeting, PSP Troop M Commander Seth Kelly said, “[Bath] has the best police service in the nation.”

Kelly had added the PSP is delighted to patrol Bath and assist the borough with community safety.

Branosky noted the PSP is the seventh largest police force in the United States. He expressed gratitude for the cooperation of Bath leaders with Troop M. He noted borough events - such as Coffee with the Cops at Bath Borough Hall, Treats with a Trooper during Halloween and outreach efforts to stem driving under the influence - have been successful.

Bath Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito and Branosky consistently promote the PSP non-urgent call line, 610-861-2026, and the safety adage of “if you see something, say something.”

The fervent belief is to have Bath residents call the PSP with any police or safety issue they encounter to heighten Bath community security.

Branosky added residents can call 888-292-1919 or email tips@pa.gov to report suspicious activity.

He said it is difficult to compare crime statistics between municipalities, adding each town has unique characteristics.

Bath resident calls to PSP increased slightly in 2022 from 2021. As the Bath community engages public safety more, it is expected calls for police service will increase.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation by Branosky, titled “Borough of Bath - 2022 Recap from the Bethlehem Station of the PA State Police,” is available from the borough office.

Attorney Brian Panella attended the meeting and was introduced at the beginning of the meeting by Reginelli-Mirabito.

Panella announced he is seeking election to the Northampton County Court of Common Pleas in next year’s election. He is expecting a contested primary in May 2023 and is open to answering any questions residents or elected leaders may have moving forward.

Also at the meeting, in her mayor’s report, Reginelli-Mirabito said more than 150 people attended the 2022 Bath holiday tree-lighting ceremony. She applauded all who helped set up and assist at the successful community event.

The mayor also suggested Bath council members, if possible, attend Northampton County Council meetings to make connections with county leaders who are in a position to assist Bath.

Councilman Barry Fenstermaker, chair of the parks and recreation committee, noted he had nothing to report for December but said there will be a number of questions presented to council to consider in January 2023 involving improvements in the borough’s parks.

Councilman Frank Hesch, in his community and economic development committee report, said there is an organized yuletide celebration event Dec. 17. Features during the day and night include Bath Fire Department’s annual Santa Run, beginning 9:30 a.m.; a candy cane hunt, starting 3 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 206 E. Main St.; and a luminary night, beginning 7 p.m. There will also be a boroughwide door-decorating contest. Additionally, Bath businesses will be open 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

To register for the candy cane hunt, email bathpalions@yahoo.com; include the name and age of your child(ren). For further details, call the borough office at 610-837-1648.

In other news, Bath Fire Department Chief Chuck Tully reported the fire department responded to 22 calls during November.

Council appointed Bath resident Dustin Goldfarb to the borough rental license and inspection board to a four-year term, Jan. 1, 2023- Dec. 31, 2026.

Council President Michele Ehrgott, not in person but on the meeting’s Zoom call, thanked the mayor and her fellow council members for all they did throughout the year for Bath. She wished all in Bath a happy holiday season.

The next borough council meeting will be 6 p.m. Jan. 3, 2023, at borough hall, 121 S. Walnut St. It is both an in-person and virtual meeting. Visit bathborough.org for the call-in numbers to view the meeting virtually.