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Theater Review: ‘Follies’ heralds the season at Touchstone

The season of Advent in the Christian faith began Nov. 27, 2022, heralding the birth of Jesus, celebrated Nov. 25, Christmas Day, 2022.

In the Lehigh Valley, in Bethlehem, and more specifically, at Touchstone Theatre, the Christmas season began with “Christmas City Follies.”

“Christmas City Follies XXIII” opened Dec. 1 and continues through Dec. 18 at Touchstone Theatre. For the Roman Numerically-challenged, it’s the 23rd edition of the holiday “romp-com.”

I have seen many, or most, if not all, of the “Follies” at Touchstone. To paraphrase, “I wouldn’t leave the Christmas season without it.”

The Touchstone Ensemble writes, produces and performs a different version of the “Follies” every year. I am always amazed by the inventiveness, surprises, humor, insight and great performances in “Follies.”

This year’s edition of the “Follies,” again directed by Touchstone Theatre Artistic Director and Ensemble Member Jp Jordan, is filled with whimsy and wisdom.

There’s so much entertainment in the approximate one-hour and 30-minute show (with no intermission), one wants to mention each of the some 20 or so sketches by the 10-member Touchstone Ensemble. The Dec. 1 opening night performance was seen for this review.

Here’s a glimpse of the merriment:

• “Posty the Post-It” - Emma Ackerman, Bill George, Sam Beedle, Shalaine Erica McCall, Robert Mills. The Touchstone Ensemble provides insight into putting on the show. The Posty the Post-It costume worn by Sam Beedle is one of the best costumes I’ve seen in years.

• “Shopping Cart Ballet” - Robert Mills, Emma Ackerman, Larry Mason, Mary Wright, Krystal Danielle. The annual sketch is a slam-dunk with a nod to the Harlem Globetrotters’ theme song, “Sweet Georgia Brown.”

• “Little Red” - Mary Wright, Bill George, Emma Ackerman, Tyler Garrett, Larry Mason. The perennial character created by Mary Wright always tugs at the heartstrings. This year, even more so.

• “Holiday Bathroom” - Sam Beedle, Krystal Danielle. This is where you first ask, “Who thinks up this stuff?” The Touchstone Ensemble, that’s who. And then you ask, ”Who decorates their bathroom for Christmas?” We Plead the Fifth.

• “Shadow Puppets” - Emma Ackerman, Ms. Latrice P. Young, Shalaine Erica McCall, Tyler Garrett, Larry Mason. Touchstone “Follies” always includes a pristine, very thought-provoking element. This is one of them.

• “Old Guy” - Bill George. He’s greeted with happy anticipation from the moment he steps on stage. And he never disappoints. This sketch alone is worth the price of admission.

• “Northern Lights” - Krystal Danielle, Larry Mason, Emma Ackerman, Ms. Latrice P. Young. This unusual piece is breathtaking and awe-inspiring, with fantastic use of the big-screen backdrop.

• “Ukrainian Moment” - Mary Wright, Tyler Garrett, Bill George, Shalaine Erica McCall. You can depend on Touchstone to go there, as in topical, but without political rhetoric, and always with humanity.

• “Black Family Christmas” - Krystal Danielle, Shalaine Erica McCall, Ms. Latrice P.Young. Warm insight and a really funny look into just one family’s celebration.

• “Trash Animals” - Sam Beedle, Tyler Garrett, Shalaine Erica McCall. A very unusual take on leftovers.

The Production Design by Chris Egging and Costumes and Properties by Abbie Jean Litman and Matt Prideaux are terrific.

In her curtain talk, Emma Ackerman announces that this, her 15th year with Touchstone, is her last season. The finale, “The Parting Glass,” with the full cast, is even more impactful and winsome.

Put “Christmas City Follies XXIII” on your wish list. Better yet, make your wish come true and and see this holiday delight at Touchstone Theatre.

“Christmas City Follies XXIII,” Dec. 1 - 18; 8 p.m. Thursdays - Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays; 2 p.m. Dec. 17, Touchstone Theatre, 321 E, Fourth St., Bethlehem. Tickets: www.touchstone.org; 610 867-1689

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO: GRAHAM BURRELL From left: Tyler Garrett, Sam Beedle, Shalaine Erica McCall, “Christmas City Follies XXIII,” Touchstone Theatre, Bethlehem.