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Sheckler News: Sheckler fourth-grade students to perform Dec. 13

Sheckler Elementary School’s fourth-grade Christmas program will be 7 p.m. Dec. 13.


There will be a series of dress-up days to celebrate the upcoming holidays, beginning with an ugly sweater day, set for Dec. 16.

A winter wonderland-themed day will follow Dec. 19. Students are encouraged to wear blue, white or anything with a snowflake on it.

More information on later day dress-ups is to come.


There will be an early dismissal noon Dec. 22.

The upcoming winter holiday break will be Dec. 23-Jan. 2, 2023.


Visit Sheckler Elementary’s Facebook to see photos from holiday celebrations.


Sheckler’s lost-and-found section is overflowing with students’ clothing items that are waiting to be claimed. Photos of the missing items have been posted to the school’s Facebook page, and parents/guardians are encouraged to take a look to see if any items belong to their child.

The lost and found can be found outside of the school’s front office.