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Police chief updates council on training, body camera grant

During the Dec. 6 Coplay Borough Council workshop meeting, Police Chief Ryan Emerich indicated the police training class scheduled for early 2023 is already filled.

The training will be held in the new borough hall classroom, which is being refurbished and is nearly complete.

The borough is still being considered for the state grant for police body cameras. Emerich is in the process of completing required questionnaires associated with the grant.

In other news, the new equipment at the tot lot on Fifth Street in the borough has been installed. Councilmember Rick Kern thanked public works Director Paul Boyle and his crew for their efforts in helping to complete the project. Kern indicated a formal dedication of the tot lot will take place in the spring.

Councilmember Mark Molitoris, who leads the parks and recreation committee, reported the Coplay Sports Christmas parade is scheduled for Dec. 11, weather permitting. The committee is also collecting new, unwrapped toys Dec. 9 and 10 at the field house, 666 Potter Terrace, to be donated to Toys for Tots.

Molitoris also told council the committee is working on coming up with ideas to defray pool costs, such as holding fundraisers, limiting pool hours of operation and slightly increasing pool fees for patrons.

Councilmember Janet Eisenhauer reported Coplay Public Library is holding its open house 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 10, so visitors can stop by and see all the library has to offer.

Recently, the library held a class on internet use that was very successful, she said, adding there is a crochet class that meets in the library. Circulation is up overall, compared to 2021.

Eisenhauer also stated she will be finishing her term as a council member through next year and will not run again in the primary.

Council President Lou Bodish reported public works will hold the last leaf pickup of the season Dec. 16.

The next council meeting will be 7 p.m. Dec. 13 at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St. There are a number of subjects that will be taken to a vote, including approvals to transfer funds for department projects and the second reading of the 2023 budget.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. Santa gives a thumbs up as he prepares to greet attendees of Coplay's tree-lighting celebration, held Dec. 1 on the grounds of borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St. See additional photos on page A2.
A crowd gathers Dec. 1 to celebrate the Coplay Borough Recreation and Welfare tree lighting, held at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.
Madison Piger, of Coplay, stands by her mother, Marie, after flipping the switch to light the tree.
Santa arrives to provide kids with a small gift.