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Halloween fun!

A Sheckler Elementary School student takes a rest after the annual Halloween parade Oct. 28.
Sheckler Elementary's administrative team channels their inner video game characters for the event.
Mrs. Grube's class is ready for the parade.
Sheckler Elementary School fourth-grade classes entertain with a special choreographed performance at the end of the annual Halloween parade Oct. 28.
Ms. Kostura's class is in the front of the line for the parade.
Students enjoy the parade with their friends.
Students are excited for the fun annual event.
A variety of costumes can be seen during the parade.
Students excitedly exit the school at the start of the parade.
A student warmly greets Pat Best, a school district resource officer.
Mr. Rivera's class crosses the front of the school during the parade.
Students are happy to show off their costumes.