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Dr. Madson comments on district’s gender policy


Special to The Press

Parkland School District Superintendent Dr. Mark Madson offered remarks on policy regarding transgender students at the Oct. 18 board meeting.

He said the district wants to support all students, and administrators work toward that goal.

Madson noted transgender students meet with a counselor to discuss their needs and how school personnel can provide support for those needs.

“We do not discriminate and we want to protect all of our students,” said the superintendent. “There are varying opinions on the issue of gender identity.

“We have a process to communicate with parents as appropriate.

“We follow the law.”

He explained an amendment to Title IX prohibits discrimination based upon sex or gender identity.

During the public comment time, Laura Warmkessel expressed concerns about boys identifying as girls in the showers and rest-rooms.

“Parents need to know about this,” Warmkessel said. “It’s disgraceful, dangerous, and irresponsible.”