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SHS names student of the week

Q. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

A. At this point in time, I’m a senior at Salisbury High School.

Q. Who is in your family?

A. In my family, I have one biological sister named Anna, two stepsisters; Noel and Jarelis. My parents are Catherine and Edward Smith, though unfortunately, they are divorced. My dad has a fiancé named Amanda. I am close with my grandparents on my mom and dad’s side; on my mom’s side, my grandparents are John and Monika Hagan, and on my dad’s side, my grandparents are Ed and Peggy Smith, along with my heavenly grandmother, Dorothy Smith, who died of cancer before I was born. As far as pets, at my mom’s, I have two dogs (Toby and Junior) and three cats (Luke, Sadie and Deki) and at my dad’s, I have one dog named Jace.

Q. What is your favorite subject? Why?

A. My favorite subject has always been science. I love lab days in science when we have access to a ton of scientific tools; it gives me the chance to be curious and experiment. My favorite course I ever took in school ever was anatomy. Taking anatomy as a sophomore taught me more about myself and gave me an idea of what I want to do for the rest of my life career wise.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. I indeed have received special awards and recognition. In my high school choir last December, I was recognized for being the “Most Improved Vocalist” by choral director Ms. Reinecke. Ms. Reinecke has watched me grow as a vocalist the past three school years and will later be recommending me to take part in Lehigh County Chorus! As far as academic achievements, this school year, I was the only student out of my entire graduating class to be chosen to take part in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution scholarship contest. I was recommended to do so by teachers at SHS. Also, my newly accepted college, Lehigh Carbon Community College, has invited me to become a member of the honors program. Additionally, I got a certificate from the SHS boys soccer team for presenting the character athlete characteristic of discipline (Forged By Fire - Athlete of the Week award).

Q. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A. Extracurriculars I am involved in include; National Honor Society (I am the vice president), Key Club (media specialist), No Place For Hate, Jazz Band, Concert Chorus, Extra (a cappella) Chorus, Class Advisory, I’m one of Miller Keystones blood drive coordinators, I work for the newspaper – I’m part of the layout team, as well as the copy editing team and I used to manage the varsity and junior varsity boys soccer team. I also designed the Homecoming shirts for SHS this year.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. My plan after high school is to attend LCCC where I’ll be majoring in biology. Once I graduate from LCCC, I would like to attend a 4-year university where I can begin studying forensic pathology and earn my bachelor’s degree. My goal is to work in a laboratory and analyze DNA such as fingerprints, cells, etc. in hopes to having the answers to scientific questions.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. At the moment, I’d have to say my biggest challenge at the time is finding time for myself. I am entirely overloaded with schoolwork, a number of extracurriculars, balancing two jobs and managing happenings in my personal life. I wish there was more time in a day so I could provide myself with the respect that I deserve for all of my hard work.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. At SHS, I would like to be remembered as someone who goes out of their way to commit their time and energy for everyone and everything without hesitation. In other words, I want to be remembered for facing challenges and putting others first before myself. I also want everyone to know that I’ve always had the best intentions for everything that I’ve done. I want people to remember me as a unique person with a personality they’ve never seen before in someone. I want people to remember my strive and willpower to succeed, even if that comes along with tears and frustration.

Q. Whom do you admire?

A. I admire quite the number of people, but one of my many inspirations has to be SHS teacher Mr. Frick. We have known each other since the start of my freshman year back in 2019 and we clicked instantly. I had a number of moments throughout the years where I wanted to give up and not try anymore, but Mr. Frick has always been there to tell me that I’m valid and loved by many, including him. He has always given me hope when I’ve needed it the most ... It’s as if God knew exactly of the kind of person I needed in my life to help my healing process against the toxicity of anxiety and depression. Mr. Frick has been there through all of my ups and downs over the course the past few years, He’s a father figure in my life. He’s known for a long time that I’m a shy kid with a heavy heart, so back in June 2020, he invited me to, on behalf of him, become the manager of the boys soccer team. I couldn’t have been more grateful for the offer. I hope to maintain a close relationship with Mr. Frick for the rest of my life.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. Even when times seem low, just know there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t give up on yourself or your dreams – the only person stopping you from going forth in life is yourself. No one can stop you if you put your heart and soul into all you do because in life, the sky will always be your limit, but just remember to wake up each day and be the best version of yourself everyday because tomorrow is never promised. Always do your best.