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Democrat Joshua Siegel and Republican Robert E. Smith Jr. are seeking the state Representative seat representing the 22nd District. The candidates were asked to respond to the following question in 100 words or less:


What is your plan to address rising crime rates in Pennsylvania?

Democrat Joshua Siegel I believe the best way to prevent crime and keep our communities safe is to make sure that we address the root causes of crime and supporting public safety personnel efforts to solve serious crimes like homicide, rape or assault. I believe that a society where people earn a living wage, get a good education, have an affordable home and don't live with constant sense of fear and panic about their economic well-being will be safer. We ask law enforcement to address too many problems from poverty to mental health challenges. We can support them by making society stronger.
Republican Robert E. Smith Jr. I would never defund nor disrespect the police by yelling f- the police or defund the police walking down Hamilton Street like my opponent. I will provide funding for police resources and more probation officers, school resource and D.A.R.E. officers. I will provide resources for our county District Attorney to go after gangs in our schools and cities; give resources to combat drugs that are pouring into our communities from the southern border. I will support a state drug task force to stop fentanyl in our cities as it's killing over a hundred Americans every day. District 22 includes part of Lehigh County consisting of the City of Allentown (PART, Wards 01, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 [PART, Divisions 01, 02, 03, 05 and 06], 09, 10, 11 [PART, Division 02], 14 and 15) and the Township of Salisbury (PART, Wards 01, 02 and 03 [PART, Division 02]).